
Directions to the Conference

From Neubrandenburg Train Station it is around 20 min walking distance to the University of Applied sciences. Therefore please look at the map below.

Hochschule Neubrandenburg (Neubrandenburg University)
Brodaer Strasse 2
17033 Neubbrandenburg


If you arrive by car, just follow the “Hochschule Neubrandenburg” signs or use the address of the University for navigation:
Hochschule Neubrandenburg
Brodaer Strasse 2
17033 Neubbrandenburg

You will find a car parking just next to the main building.


Bus schedule (search for Linie 11)


For travelers from Berlin, please find some information here.

Please note, that the direct train connection from Berlin to Neubrandenburg is not the best at the moment because of a construction site on the track. If possible, please use the connection from Berlin to Neubrandenburg via Pasewalk!

Deutsche Bahn (engl.)